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Admissions, Arrangements and SEND Information Report


Article 13: Freedom of expression - Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.

Article 23: Children with a disability - A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence, and to play an active part in the community.

We are a Unicef Rights Respecting School. The Rights Respecting School Award puts children's rights at the heart of schools in the UK.

We aim to be a safe and inspiring place to learn, where children are respected, their talents and nurtured and they are able to thrive.

The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life at Oscott Manor School and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.

Birmingham Local Offer

Here you will find help, advice and information about the services available for your child or young person from birth to 25 years with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND).

Admissions arrangements:

To apply for a place at our school, you will need to follow the Birmingham secondary transfer process or the Birmingham post-16 transfer process and the SENDCO at your child's current school should be able to advise you on this.

Information about how to secure a special school place can be found here:

Oscott Manor School Local Offer

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Oscott Manor School is a community special school for pupils aged between 11 and 19 with autism as their primary diagnosis. All our pupils have an education, health and care plan and may have persistent difficulties with social interaction, social communication or understanding emotions. Such differences can significantly impact on their access to the curriculum. The school uses the Autism Education Trust progression framework to set individual targets and measure personal progress.


We have now moved to our new purpose built school premises on Reservoir Road in Erdington.

To apply for a place at our school, you will need to follow the Birmingham secondary transfer process or the Birmingham post-16 transfer process and the SENDCO at your child's current school should be able to advise you on this.

Further information can be found here:


Oscott Manor in Pictures

Pupil in music lesson with teacher


Oscott Manor School offers a wide range of support for all pupils

From handy websites to visit to encourage further learning and support to learning packs for our pupils to complete.